Sunday, January 30, 2005

Fun Show

Maybe Simbe will come watch Duncan in a "fun show" today---which means that are no points to be won, just practice prancing around the ring with Candi. But even if Simbe doesn't come, we'll have some good Amy and Duncan fun. And, after I am going to Teresa's house to visit with my friends for our monthly women's spiritual group meeting.

Oh happy day.

Friday, January 14, 2005


There is this very important tendon that runs along the arches of your feet. Its job is to help support the arches of your feet. This tendon attaches to your heel bones and on my feet this tendon is being over strained---creating a bone spur to develop and causing inflammation throughout my feet. So, according to my new foot doctor, he simply makes some casts of my feet, sends these mini foot statues to Washington state, and the folks up there will make me some customized arch supports to put into my shoes. The result, according to this new foot doctor, will be relief for my whole feet. I am tentatively hopeful about this simple "cure" for the chronic pain in my feet. It will take about three weeks to get my new arch supports. I'm trying to decide if I should try to stay off my feet in the meantime, or just take the pain and walk Duncan anyway.

In other news---this tutoring program the second grade teacher Heather and I developed is FABULOUS. I am very excited by how empowering and just good good good it has been for both our little and our big students. They are such cute "teachers".