Sunday, August 13, 2006

Summer Ends

My infant niece Lydia has unexpectedly pricked a maternal spot in my psyche. Blessed baby. Blessed baby. Delicate ears, probing eyes, quiet mouth.

My summer vaction will officially end Wednesday morning at 8:00 a.m. We have a Welcome Back/ Look at Our Awful Test Scores / Chart the Course for the Future meeting to which I plan to take half a dozen math problems, to fill the two-thirds of my brain space that gets manic in such meetings.

The best thing I discovered this summer was an efficient way to use kid lit blogs, the SLC library online catalog, and a weekly visit to the Day Riverside branch, to keep myself and my three kiddies equipped with plenty of fresh, interesting reading material. I hope this habbit doesn't fade with my amped up schedule, as full days of teaching shortly resume.

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