Sunday, April 15, 2007

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, it's back to work i go....

Well, I managed to get some solid hours of restful idleness in this past week. We are loving our new DDR game, and I think it even qualifies as legit cardio exercise. I quite enjoy how I can compete and exercise and dance, all at the same time. Plus--spend some quality recreational time with my bambinas.

I finished my master's project Friday and emailed my paper to my adviser. I hope the rest of the process isn't going to be too painful. I hope the whole thing is good enough, so that I can graduate already.

So, it's back to work tomorrow. There are only about six weeks left in this school year. And then we will see if I can continue to have hours of restful idleness, or if not working will make me crazy.

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